role: creative director
responsibilitiesto oversee the art department and ensure the art director and associates were staying on task and maintaining a quality design aesthetic within the brand's guidelines; to conceptualize the cover story into an attention-grabbing cover; to produce the monthly photoshoot for the cover and cover feature; to design and layout that cover and feature, as well as sign off on the layouts for the rest of the issue; to ensure all of this was accomplished by our monthly print production deadline; to expand the company's marketing initiatives through in-house print advertising and social media.  
achievements: listed in TIME's "Top Ten Magazine Covers of the Year" in 2009; my redesign helped earn the publication three consecutive wins at the GLAAD Media awards and three nominations for Cover of the Year by the American Society of Magazine Editors.
fun fact: I'm the youngest person to serve as the magazine's creative director in its 50 year history.

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